Route 66 - Attractions - California - Roadside

Goffs – General Store
It is hard to believe that such a small town or rather ghosttown like Goofs had ever needed such a large supermarket. However, the market is as pretty much everything in Goff ruinous.
Address: Route 66. Goffs, CA

Amboy – School
Even though the school in Amboy had not been used for long it only closed in 1999. The school grounds are located next to Roy’s Café.
Adresse: Route 66, Amboy, CA

California – Route 66 Signs
On route between Goffs and Barstow there are more Route 66 signs painted on the road than anywhere else on Route 66. They can be found approximately every 4-5km.
Address: Betwwen Goffs and Barstow, Route 66, CA

Cadiz Summit – Route 66 Art Project
At this old ruin graffiti-artists and Route 66 travelers leave their creativity out and eternalize themselves with their tags and artworks on the walls.
Address: Route 66, Cadiz Summit, CA